Q: What are some commonly treated conditions acupuncture helps?
A: There are many conditions that are successfully treated with acupuncture. Below is a partial list: Digestive: Abdominal pain Acid reflux Chronic diarrhea Colitis & Crohn's disease Constipation Indigestion Irritable bowel syndrome Liver & gall bladder disorders Colitis & Crohn’s disease Musculoskeletal: Arthritis Back pain & stiffness Disc problems Joint problems Muscle spasms & weakness Neck pain & stiffness Repetitive stress injuries Sciatica Sports injuries Sprains & strains Tendinitis Other: Addictions AIDS/HIV Diabetes (type II) Facial rejuvenation Heart disease Hepatitis Hypertension Skin problems Tinnitus Respiratory: Allergies Asthma Bronchitis Colds & flu Sinusitis |
Q: Do the needles hurt?
A: No, but there are sensations for many people. Patients report sensations like a dull ache, heaviness, and sometimes mild electric current sensations with acupuncture. Acupuncture needles are very different from the kind at a Dr.’s office. Acupuncture needles are solid-not hollow - and don’t cut the skin like needles that inject or draw blood(hypodermic). Plus, they are quite flexible and thin. One interesting fact is that 18-20 needles used for acupuncture could fit into 1 hypodermic needle. Q: How many treatments will it take? How often should I get acupuncture? A: In general, chronic ailments take longer to treat than acute conditions. A body system out of balance for a longer time can manifest with multiple symptoms and have multiple root causes. A typical treatment course can also depend on the overall health and age of a patient, as well as your individual diagnosis. In many cases from 5-15 sessions may help more chronic conditions. We will discuss your diagnosis, treatment course and length during your first appointment. Q: Are herbs safe? A: Yes. For thousands of years, Chinese medicinal herbs have been safely and effectively used. Rarely are any side effects reported with herbs. You will almost never see one herb used alone, as herbal formulas are a synergistic blend of anywhere from 2-20 different herbs. We use herbs only by companies that adhere to strict quality controls concerning safety, potency and quality. When prescribed by skilled, licensed practitioners, herbal formulas are very effective and tailored to your individual condition with virtually no side effects. Just as at a doctor's visit, please let us know of any supplements, herbs, vitamins or prescription medication you are taking. Also inform us of any environmental or food allergies you may have. |